Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Hikes and hidden waterfalls.

We went out in search of the waterfall at Las Lajas, which we'd heard about but had never visited. We got directions from several people, so it seemed easy enough to find. It wasn't, not at first. We even stopped and asked a local, but she just shrugged.

Finally, a couple of phone calls later, we managed to make the correct turn. We parked and walked, since we weren't sure what the road ahead was like.

It ended up being a short walk, and we came up on the wrong side of the falls, so we didn't get much of a view. We're none of us really jumping-into-the-water-from-up-high people, to tell the truth, so we walked around a bit.

The whole excursion took much less time than we thought it would, so we headed up the road to La Laguna, a lake that Brent and I love.

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