Saturday, June 29, 2013

Time crunch.

It's awesome having Judi and Shauna here, and we're managing to find time for some killer memory creation.

Shauna and I at happy hour at Picasso.

Judi, Karen, Shauna, and I at Picasso

Shopping at Westland Mall. And Lola the cow.

Making margaritas at Locos Backyard Grill.

Shauna and Judi with blue margaritas -- made fresh from scratch. By me.

Out to dinner at a restaurant I don't care to return to with Larry, Brent, Shauna, and Judi (taking the photo).

What sucks, though, is that we're busy right now.

Which is what you want when you move to a new place and you've been there for a few months. We've worked hard to find some opportunities and have taken them as they've presented themselves -- and it just so happens that now they're demanding a lot of us right now.

I go back and forth on this -- I'm still relatively new to the real estate work with the Bahia, which is going to be here after Judi and Shauna leave, so I'm not at a place where I should be slacking off. We also help with property management, and we have no control over when guests arrive -- and we have to be there to check them in. But Judi and Shauna aren't going to be here for very long.

And then, randomly, this is the week that some friends of ours have friends in town who want to look at property. I don't typically show property -- I'm a one-building girl. But they asked specifically for me, so I found myself driving around Coronado ALL DAY on Tuesday, making Spanish-language phone calls, and looking at houses that meet their price point but not their expectations on quality. Just a confirmation that full-time real estate is not my kind of gig.

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