Monday, August 12, 2013

Getting ready for a move.

Again. Our six-month stint in this house is wrapping up very quickly -- even though our move-out date in October 15, we're already looking for the next place to land. 

We know we want to stay in Coronado, because we share a car and so much of our lives revolves around this town. If Brent needs the car, I can walk most places I need to go, or, in an extreme case, don't feel too bad asking someone for a ride.

We're totally spoiled with the house-sitting gig, because our rent consists of a small monetary amount in addition to yard work and a couple of little murals painted on the deposito. (Finally completed!)

We've looked at quite a few places already, and here's why it's frustrating.

1. There's not as much available by October, because that's when the high season starts to pick up, and the snowbirds (like our landlords) start returning to the country to escape the brutal winters in their homelands.

2. Prices are high. This is Coronado.

3. Prices are TOO high for what you get. We looked at a house that we were considering sharing with another couple, but for $1800 a month ($900 per couple) it was one enormous master bedroom and two little tiny bedrooms (were we going to flip for it?), no glass or screens on the windows (just bars, but the birds could still get in if they wanted, and certainly the bugs), and no washing machine. Sorry, but if you want me to pay that much per month, I'm not going to also go the laundromat. 

So the search continues. This is becoming all-too-familiar.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Passionfruit Passion

The mango isn't the only fruity perk of living in the tropics: the passionfruit ranks high up on that list, as well.

Even better than eating it, I think, is the smell. As soon as you cut that puppy open, it hits your nose and it is awesome.

My favorite feature (again, after eating it), is how easy it is to get to: cut it open and it scrapes out easily with a spoon. The seeds are crunchy, but edible and actually really good for you.

I use passionfruit, or maracuya as we say around here, mostly in smoothies, but I've got my eye on a variety of passionfruit dessert recipes

Saturday, August 03, 2013

More Boquete food and fun.

One of our favorite things about Boquete is the food, so, naturally, we ate a lot. Fish tacos at Big Daddy's, breakfast at Sugar & Spice, and a lovely dinner at the Art Cafe. So many great restaurants to choose from.

The day before we left for Costa Rica/Boquete, we met Amy, a visitor to Panama who was planning to go to Boquete the next day, as well, for a volunteer position she had accepted. We offered to give her a ride (as far as David, then she caught the bus north while we continued west toward the border), and we met up with her for dinner the next night.

As always, we walked around a lot, and I bought a couple of little things for my nephews. We came across this "safety" grate in the side walk. Ahhh, Central America, asking people to be responsible for themselves. I dig it. (And I watch out.)

On the way out of town, we stopped by La Jungla de Panama, a small animal rescue, where I made some friends.