Monday, November 18, 2013

Birthday trip to Playa Venao.

With my birthday coming up, Brent continued the tradition of not buying me jewelry by taking me on a trip. (This totally works out in my favor, by the way -- I'll take the trip over the jewels any day.)

We've been hearing great things about Playa Venao, the surfer's hot spot near the town of Pedasi on the Azuero Peninsula. Brent planned the whole thing, which made it especially awesome.

It was about a four-hour drive -- easy, except for getting through the city of Las Tablas, because there aren't a lot of signs indicating where you should go -- and we arrived at our gorgeous hotel very near Playa Venao.

Brent picked out an incredible place. It was still a bit under construction, so there were men working and very few other guests, but it was really coming along. Our room was enormous, with two beds and lots of rustic, handmade wooden furniture. The room and the hotel grounds were full of intricate tile mosaics on the floors, walls, and benches. We had a charming balcony with a hammock and a view of the water.

They served food, but there was no real menu. They just rattled off a few things when we said we were hungry, and we made some choices.

The highlight was the many animals on the property: emus, chickens, iguanas, and even visiting monkeys and parrots high in the trees every morning and night.

We had direct access to a private beach (made private only because the rocks on each side sort of boxed it in), which was full of scuttling creatures (crabs, crabs, crabs) and beautiful smooth rocks. We found several keepers. Grandpa would have been proud.

We spent the weekend exploring the area, trying various restaurants and walking around Pedasi. (And getting sick. Oh, so sick. More on that soon.)

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