Thursday, November 21, 2013

Testing my immune system.

On Saturday, when we were in Playa Venao, I started feeling sick. Really weak. Tired. And my back hurt like crazy.

We went on a walk, like we tend to do, and I couldn't even keep up with Brent. Everything just hurt.  I trudged along, determined to make it to the beach from our starting point in Pedasi. Luckily, a local offered us a ride into town shortly after we'd started back (after a break at a beachfront restaurant).

I had expected to feel better by day three, as these sorts of things tend to work their way through my body pretty quickly (go, immune system, go!), but when I wasn't, I went into full-on holistic self-healing.

Doctors are not really an option in my world. I mean, they're available and all, I just don't care to go to them. I think they're too quick to throw drugs at things your body will take care of on its own if you give it the space to do that. Emergency medicine -- now, that stuff is freaking incredible. But antibiotics? Thanks, no thanks.

At some point, I realized the terrible ache in my back wasn't my back at all -- it was inside. It kidneys, perhaps. Without ever having had a kidney infection in my life, I figured that's what it had to be.

I started fasting on Tuesday, just drinking lots of water and lemon juice and pure cranberry. I'm taking colloidal silver at regular intervals and Vemma every night. And I'm trying not to move.

This, too, will pass. I believe in my body's ability to take care of this. But I do wish it would hurry up.

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