Sunday, November 24, 2013

My birthday's not over, and it hasn't even started yet.

Well played, Brent.

On Saturday, I was feeling good, so we were going to keep our plans to have an early birthday dinner with our friends at Lunarossa, a popular Italian restaurant that we still haven't managed to try.

On our way to the restaurant, Brent said he wanted to stop by Picasso for a drink. I grumbled, because I was already a bit headachey from being hungry (and only recently not being wiped-out sick), and we were just minutes away from the time we were supposed to meet Bruce and Robin at the restaurant. I mean, COME ON. A drink at Picasso never takes just a couple of minutes.

But, I'm a team player, so I got out of the car and followed Brent. As we passed the bar, Claire, our friend and owner of the restaurant, started saying something into the microphone. I looked up and realized everyone was looking at us. And they started singing Happy Birthday.

My first ever surprise party! And Brent managed to plan it all in a town where stories spread like wildfire!

All my favorite people were there, minus a few who couldn't make it. We had a great cake, which came with a story: the first cake Brent commissioned fell apart when Larry went to pick it up, so they had to scramble and get another one at the last minute. It also came with amaretto ice cream.

Not really the best meal to bring myself out of the last dredges of my illness, but I made it work.

It was a beautiful evening, so full of joy and love. I am a lucky girl to know these great people.

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