Friday, November 29, 2013

The Second Thanksgiving

For the real Thanksgiving day, we wanted to spend time with Larry. We were invited to Angie's place for a small gathering. (Angie was a regular in the water aerobics class I taught over the summer in her building.) It was just us, Angie, Bruce and Robin, Bruce and Robin's landlords, and a lovely Argentine/German couple. And, supposedly, Larry, but he didn't show up! We called him, and he just said he wasn't coming. We were disappointed, and still unsure as to why, but we still had a great time.

Highlight: there were two sweet potato casseroles, but the one with the candied pecans on top was my favorite, and I could have lived on that for days. We ended up staying late that evening, speaking a mixture of English and Spanish, and reminiscing a bit about Argentina with the Argentinian half of the young couple.

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