Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Redness and irritation.

Several weeks ago, before we took our trip, I noticed a couple of little bumps on my left leg. I thought they were aggravated mosquito or sand flea bites (not at all unusual around here), so I didn't think much of them.

A couple of days later, those little bumps had spread -- first just on my thigh, then on my low back. Before long, they traveled up my spine and started coming around on my rib cage. Super, super weird.

To this day, I'm still not sure what caused it.

They didn't really itch, but occasionally I'd feel a little flash of a heat everywhere they rash occurred. It was irritating and uncomfortable, but not really painful. I showed it to a couple of people (sorry, you couple of people), and they instantly said, "Heat rash."

I thought this might be the case. In April, the wind had died but the rain hadn't started, so it was especially hot -- especially in the house.  I would sit to work at the computer, and I just always felt slightly damp. Since the rash only really showed up in places that are normally covered by clothes, it made sense.

But those are supposed to clear up in a couple of days. This one didn't.

We started thinking it might have been a reaction to too much basil. I had recently inherited a large basil plant, so I'd been making -- and eating -- pesto by the bowlful. I've since had basil with no outbreak, but we thought it might have been a case of basil overload.

I was starting to think I was scarred for life, but after about a month it started to look less irritated. Slowly, it started to subside. And now my skin looks and feels like skin again.

Ideas? Cripes.

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