Saturday, May 24, 2014

The return of the rain.

The rain is back, and we love watching everything green up. The generally overcast days are nice, too -- it doesn't always make a huge difference in temperature, but mentally it's very comforting. And when the storms pick up it can even get a bit chilly. We've been rained out of volleyball a couple of times already (which I don't remember happening much last year), but in general when we play, we really notice the change in seasons because we're not battling the sun in our eyes when we're on the east side of the court.

One thing we'd kind of forgotten about: bugs.

We're in the midst of the June bug craze, these couple of weeks when the erratic-flying but slow-to-escape-the-fly-swatter and don't-seem-especially-smart bugs are everywhere. We wake up to dozens dead on the floor.

And mosquitos. We've been having a tough time of them inside our condo. We keep the doors open for the breeze -- and we don't have any screens, so it's a free-for-all. Brent makes a homemade non-toxic bug spray that works pretty well, and we've taken to lighting mosquito-repellent incense spiral sticks just outside each door first thing in the morning, and sometimes again in the evening. That's helping quite a lot. I've really noticed a difference, though we do each occasionally still get bit while we're inside. Brent moreso than me.

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