Thursday, June 27, 2013

And more Panama City with Judi and Shauna.

Dusk in Casco Viejo, looking back toward the city.

Judi, Shauna, and I in the hotel lobby.

Crossing the street via the overpass to start our walk down the Cinta Costera.

On the Cinta Costera -- a gorgeous waterfront path.

Panama City -- it did not rain on us.

Relief from the heat in the form of a delightful brew pub.

Sampling beers at La Rana Dorada.

More up my alley: white sangria at La Rana Dorada.

Brent, Shauna, and I in Casco Viejo.

Sampling masks at the market.

Shauna, rocking the mask.

Fantastic day in the city.

Fueling up: breakfast at our hotel was awesome.

Judi taking a break.

Mural on the Tantalo rooftop, Casco Viejo.

Casco Viejo

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