Sunday, July 06, 2014

Independence Day and other celebrations.

I love holidays at home, but holidays abroad have been incredible, too. Celebrating a homeland holiday in another country is, in some ways, extra special, because all the expats come together in that commonality to celebrate. We had a wonderful 4th of July poolside with friends and a barbecue.

A few days earlier, Canada Day was celebrated by Americans and Canadians alike. I missed this year's festivities, but last year was quite a good time.

July 1 last year -- Canadians and honorary Canadians.
We also enjoy experiencing and learning about the local holidays (the Netherlands' Sinterklaas, Chile's Día del Niño, and Panama's Carnaval all come to mind), but we keep our native holidays close at heart, too, even though the only place they have here is with the many expats who share them.

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