Friday, August 15, 2014

Flowers? What flowers?

By happy accident, booked our tickets to Medellin over the exact same week as the city's annual flower festival, which was apparently a big enough deal that we had a hard time finding a place to stay. (After several stressful search days back in July, I found us an apartment in the Poblado/Envigado area, where we stayed after our first night in the hostel.)

We browsed the event schedule online and decided we needed to go to Santa Elena, because there were numerous events going on up there and we figured it would keep us busy all day.  We thought it was like a street or something, but when we finally found it on the map we realized it's a huge area in the mountains outside the city. No big deal -- doesn't look TOO far. So we hailed a cab.

He said it would be about a $50,000-peso (roughly $25) ride up there, and suggested the bus. We agreed to have him take us to the station, but about half-way there, after enjoying a long conversation with him, he said he's drive us there for $40,000. For simplicity's sake we agreed.

It was a long, windy trip, but luckily I didn't feel too sick when we got up there.

Where there was absolutely nothing going on.

He dropped us off at this little town center, which was charming -- but at 11:00am, there still wasn't much open. There were a few booths selling crafts and food. The library had a very small exhibit of flowers.

We were told we could hop on a tour and go out to the fincas (farms) where there would be, apparently, more flowers, but we opted out and took off walking up the road.

Luckily for David, there was a man selling cotton candy along the way.

We didn't come across any more flowers, so we stopped for lunch at a local place and shared the bandeja paisa for about $7.

It was one of the best lunches I've ever had. Tasted good, sure, but the women who ran the place were so helpful and loving. They were excited and proud to prepare for us our first ever traditional Colombian meal.

And we talked. And laughed. And laauuuuuuughed. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

The only bummer was that we took the bus back down to the city, and that did make me sick. I spent the next couple of hours with my head on the table while the rest of them enjoyed an afternoon drink overlooking these huge flower sculptures in the center of town -- more flowers than we'd seen all damn day.

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