Wednesday, August 20, 2014

On top of the city.

One day in Medellin, David (tired of walking) decided to stay home. Brent, Stephanie, and I hopped on the metro and rode it all the way through the city, nearly to the end of the line. We switched lines and got on the cable car to go up the mountain.

The map made the cable car part look like such a short little ride! But it was at least a good half an hour. We went through three stations, and actually had to change cable cars at the last station for the final ascent up the mountain and to Parque Arvi, a national park-like wilderness area.

The views of the city while riding the cable car were impressive, and the park itself was beautiful.

Right at the top, there is an informational station and a little market, where we enjoyed a variety of food for lunch. Afterward, we joined a 90-minute guided hike through the forest. It was so cool and comfortable. There were these two apparently stray dogs hanging around the market area, and they joined our hike -- having a blast the entire way.

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