Monday, September 01, 2014

Big changes of the best kind.

In true-to-us fashion, we're moving.

To Colombia!

The last few weeks have been full of development. Even when we visited, we didn't imagine we would be living there any time soon -- though we did put it on our list of things to consider. Then Brent found a chiropractic office to take over. And Vemma is days away from the official launch after weeks of incredible pre-launch momentum, and we're excited to be a part of that again.

So we're going at the end of September.  Which makes it sound like we have a month left here, but in truth, we're going to Chicago (and to a very special wedding in Michigan) on the 18th for a few days, so by the time we get back we'll have to turn around and go again. That gives us about two weeks here.

There is much to be done, and I'm moving as fast as I can.

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