Monday, October 20, 2014

Back to the city life, and...

You may not remember, because when we first arrived in Buenos Aires I was excited and trying to keep my chin up after a very rough couple of months in Chile, but on our first day there I took a trip to the grocery store and spent the next week recovering. In fact, I never really did recover -- we had some wonderful times in that city, but it never quit feeling heavy and panicked to me.

Fast forward to a month ago as we were getting ready to move to MedellĂ­n. I was very excited about it, even though it was hard to leave our Panama friends behind, but there was a part of me that was dreading the idea of living in the city again. I was afraid it would be like Buenos Aires.

Good news: It's not.

It's still a city, with its traffic and whatnot, but as I've written about it's incredibly clean and friendly. We've got the movie theater just down the street again, and so many restaurants we'll never be able to try them all. I'm frozen by choices as I consider the various dance and yoga studios I could join -- and I haven't even looked at the gyms yet.

It's a great place to be. If you're reading this, I hope you're simultaneously planning a visit.

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