Wednesday, February 18, 2015

And puppy makes three.

Unbelievably, with everything going on with the trip and getting back and getting ready to move to a new apartment, I forgot to share this most exciting news:

We have been talking on and off about getting a dog the entire time we've been together (four years, actually, which coincided with the arrival of this little dude). We always kind of said, no, we shouldn't, because we travel a lot. But, we find ourselves feeling pretty permanent about Colombia AND we found someone who will love dogsitting, so, for my anniversary present, Brent went ahead and found Máximo -- or, as Brent says, Máximo found us.

We think he's about six weeks old. We think he's at least part Husky. (But his ears are floppy and his eyes are brown....I looked up Husky puppies just now and even as babies their ears stand up.) But we're not sure on any of it. He was not in the best situation, so I'm relieved that we're able to give him a better home.

Can I brag about my brilliant puppy? He's SO SMART. He doesn't really cry at night when we put him to bed -- in a week, he only cried about it twice: one morning when he wanted to get out, and one evening when we didn't do a good enough job tiring him out that day. Otherwise, he goes quietly to bed and stays until I get him around 6:30 am. House training has proven to be fairly easy, much to my surprise, and within two treats he knew how to sit.

I haven't had a dog in a long time. Yes, it's a little extra work, but so far it's so incredibly worth it. He's so full of love and joy, and that spreads like wildfire. Max is the best addition to our household.

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