Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Your Body Best

I've been a bit restless in terms of what I'm doing with my time. Truth is, I really miss teaching fitness and helping people get in shape. I miss that sweaty, in-the-gym time with my class participants.

Not that this will get me sweaty (thought I'm still doing plenty of that on my own, as always), but in order to keep teaching and sharing, I've at long last started a fitness blog: Your Body Best. This is where I'll be sharing my thoughts, ideas, and tips on all things related to fitness and healthy living. There are already some posts I'm really excited about, including one on yoga poses you can do in the chair, why I don't listen to music when I run, and some of the many ways people make themselves hate exercise.

It's a labor of love, so I'd really enjoy seeing your comments on the posts, and if you feel so inclined you can click the little share buttons to put your favorite posts on your Facebook, Twitter, or what have you. Spread the good word, and all.

I've also got a Facebook page; if you'd like to like it, I would like that.

Thanks for the support! I'm looking forward to sharing the years of fitness knowledge and ideas I've accumulated -- I hope you find it useful!

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