Sunday, January 29, 2006

Children see magic because they look for it.

We just had a big birthday party for Pete, age 5. Birthdays are huge. So, there were eight five- and six-year-old Dutch speakers running around for four hours, and I learned the Dutch Word of the Day: ridder.

It was a ridder-themed party, so Carien made eight knight costumes and she drew a castle on the window. Also, I wore a cape and defended the tower. Enough about that.

The best news is not that Carl's birthday party is this coming Saturday, but that for his birthday party they are visiting the fire station.

I'll get to meet some more people this week, I hope. As I said, birthdays are huge, so they have one party on the actual birthday, more for adults as I understand it, and then a kids party whenever there is a four-hour chunk of time, like a Saturday. Carl's actual birthday is Wednesday, so there will be people over then, and I will meet them.

Tomorrow is my first official day of work, and the first day when both Rick and Carien are gone. Luckily, Carien's father is coming over to help me out. Judging by how far-from-smoothly I got the older boys into bed tonight, I'm probably going to need it.


Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Oh it sounds like you are having fun. Firestation... tell me if the Dutch firemen are as hot as the American ones!

So what does ridder actually mean? You need to define your words of the day...even Webster does that!

Goodluck on your first day of officially working. Remember that bribing to get people into bed... isn't the best option. Give them a cookie and they'll ask for a glass of milk!

Anonymous said...

Good start, Amanda! I can just picture you defending the castle!

Wellll...a word a day isn't bad, huh?

Good luck tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Well... since your non-official days have been okay, I'll keep my fingers crossed for the "on the record" days.

Best to ya.