Saturday, January 28, 2006

Going Dutch

Day Four, and I'm finally catching up.

I arrived at 6:50 a.m. on Wednesday after the most painless flights I've ever taken.

The kids are great. Full of energy. They seem to have accepted me. They sit on my lap a lot, anyway, and they don't listen very well. I'm in.

On the second day I rode along to take the two oldest to school. It wasn't until after I got on the bike that I realized I haven't ridden a bike in....years and years and years. No, you never forget how, but you do look considerably uncoordinated.

Dutch Word of the Day: nee

Actually, I'm thinking it's going to be the word of the year, as evidenced by conversations that go something like this:

Carl: I'm going to repeatedly hit my plate with this piece of bread.
Me: Nee. Drink your milk.
Carl: Nee.

And so on.

I was feeling pretty good about my place here after this:

Pete: How long you stay here?
Me: One year.
Pete: No....You stay one thousand years. (Big giggle.)

Two hours later, he put me back in my place:

Me: Stop jumping on the couch.
Pete: Nee. Go home.

Eh, it's a work in progress.


Anonymous said...

Hey!!!! You are there! I know you are going to love it.

Glad to know that you are there and that you are welcomed by the kids.

Had to laugh about the bike story. Maybe you should practice...Ha!

Hope I am doing this blog right so that you see it from time to time.

Can you put pictures on this blog? If so, that will be fun to look forward to.

Love....Frances and Jim

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Oh How I miss you... let me count the ways... ok that would take forever but I am enjoying your story.

Stay go away... he does sound like a little man! You better break him of that habit right away... the next generation of young women will thank you for it! At least his will!

I hear that riding bikes is very good exercise... you'll come back in even better shape! You are coming back right???

Nee... I like it! :) I may just use it myself!