Sunday, February 26, 2006


Last night marked the beginning of Carnaval, a four-day drunken extravaganza of general craziness, as best I understand. It's not celebrated everywhere, but in this part of the country, it's a big deal. Big deal. Everyone dresses up in costumes, the towns all change their names, flags are hanging from every building, the kids have the entire week off school, most businesses are closed.

Today everyone will be heading to the bar at about noon and will stay until the bar closes at 3:00 a.m. Tomorrow: repeat. Tuesday: ditto.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like quite a party! I really enjoy your blog - keep writing.

Sandy Linster

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

It's your own personal Mardi Gras! :) I think they have one of those in Venice too... What I wouldn't give...

Have fun!