Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Keep your shoes on.

And the party continues...

Sunday night saw me working late, catching a ride to Schijndel to meet up with the group at the bar, and discovering that my ride home had already left because he was tired. (By that time he'd been there for 10 hours, so you can hardly blame him. I can, though, because I was stranded.)

Within minutes, a get-Amanda-home task force had formed.

Option #1: riding home after another three hours on the back of a bike belonging to a German I'd just met. Perfect, except for the extra three hours part. After you realize you have no way home, you just want to go home. Besides, everyone was starting to give up on the night so as to be ready for the next day.

Option #2: get a taxi. Definitely not. They're enormously expensive for one poor passenger.

Option #3: walk. The task force didn't come up with that. I did. Don't freak out. I didn't do it.

It was decided that I would share a taxi with a couple of other people heading in my general direction, which would make it slightly less expensive. However, by the time we made our way through the crowd and got our coats, the taxi had given up on us. So, I was invited to stay at a friend's house there in Schijndel, which I gladly did. I woke up freezing and missing the button on my costume, but this girl's not complaining.

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