Monday, February 20, 2006


Dutch Word of the Day: snoep.

I was wandering through a store, looking for, you know, whatever, and I came across a candy aisle. You people know me. I'm a big fan of snoep. And I thought, yes, I will buy some candy. Yes, I will.

I had a lot of fun, choosing from all these things I had never seen before, putting them in my little plastic bag, excited that many of them looked as though they might taste like licorice. Candy's candy. There's sugar involved. You can't go wrong.


I got home. I tried some of the candy. I couldn't believe it. Horror! Horror! It tasted...bad! How could this be candy? Who could enjoy this?

Then I did something I'm pretty sure I've never done in my life. I spit the candy out of my mouth.

I sorted out all the offensive pieces and put them in a little pile on my dresser. How do you deal with a situation like this? How do you handle bad candy? There's no precedent. I didn't even know this kind of thing could happen.

I did something else I'm pretty sure I've never done. I threw the candy away.

Seems sinful, I know. But you should have been there. You'd have done the same thing.


Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

I'm so sorry! You've found the reason that I hate assorted boxes of chocolates. Especially ones without the legend... becuase I can't take the chance of biting into something that looks like peanut butter but is really pink marshmellow fluff...or worse coconut!

You should have used the candy to bribe the children into doing what you wanted them to do! I'm sure they like that stuff... they don't know any better... they don't have Hershey Chocolate!

Anyway, better luck next time! In your next box I'll throw in some pixy-sticks, and candy necklaces and all the good stuff!!!

Anonymous said...


There is no such thing as bad candy, therefore the offensive bits are not actually candy. They're just a horrible confectionary mistake.

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

To add to Erin's theory...

Or you really bought cough drops that look like candy, therefore again not bad candy!