Saturday, February 18, 2006

I don't care if it's a boy or a girl, as long as it has only one leg and can't talk.

Okay, that's harsh. And not really how I feel.

Not really.

Yesterday there was no school, and I was here by myself. Things went pretty well, considering I had four kids for 10 hours. They were helpful! They ate their food over their plates! They washed their hands! It was a good day.

We did some painting. Give me a second while I put that on the list of things I'll try to avoid doing again.

Dutch Word of the Day: maandag. Monday.

Last night was another on the town. Some observations:

1. Boots. They're everywhere. Any girl worth her salt wears boots. And I LOVE boots. I should fit right in, except that mine are on the other side of the Atlantic. The urge to buy another pair of boots is strong. Must...fight....

2. No one carries a purse. I saw one purse.

3. Coats are checked. Thank goodness. Saves the debate about whether or not to wear one.

4. There's a lot of familiar music played at a very high volume that left my ears ringing as I fell asleep at 3:00 a.m.

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Glad you got your card! I miss talking to you... seriously there is quite a void in my cellphone!

Anyway, enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Nee for holidays in which you have 10 hours with all of the children!