Sunday, February 19, 2006

Three more songs and I'll have to start my own band.

Great news. A newfound friend has a guitar she's going to let me borrow for the entire year! I'll be able to keep improving my rock star skills!

Yesterday I biked to Schijndel and happened upon a street market, which I love. So much stuff, everywhere, including a lot of belts that I browsed seriously because they have great practical application in my life, but I didn't buy. I'm picky. Especially about accessorizing. Especially about belts. I usually don't bother, so if I'm going to bother, it's going to be with something I really like, whether my pants are falling down or not.

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Yea for friends! Yea for belts! Yea for street markets and having a good time! :) Boo for missing you so much. I know... I'll just have to save my money and visit!