Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Carnaval Top Ten

1. Wearing a witch hat.

2. Watching three little boys spin around the pole (early in the evening) while their parents played drums and trumpets in one of the bands that stopped in to play a song and then left.

3. Linda dancing on the bar.

4. The bartender dancing on the bar.

5. Listening to a middle-aged man tell me, with true Dutch openness, all about why Carnaval is such a celebration and how lives are supposed to be lived during Lent, which my comparitive American modesty prevents me from repeating.

6. A bartender carrying a tray of full drinks on top of a tray of full drinks on top of a TRAY OF FULL DRINKS (that's 3) on top of his fingertips high above the throng.

7. Not getting assaulted by any creepers.

8. Waiting alone in the bar for my friends, sitting in the corner and looking mysterious until curious people came to talk to me. Didn't take long.

9. Watching Freek (pronounced Frayk) totally live up his nerd costume.

10. Being there.

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

#7 is worth a million dollars!

Glad you got to experience it! Happy Mardi Gras er... Carnival!!