Thursday, March 02, 2006

My list of marketable skills continues to grow.

But first, rounding out the Carnaval Top Eleven:

11. The White Christmas remix.

I'm getting the hang of this bicycle thing. After merely a month with my fiets, I have been known to perform such death-defying stunts as those mentioned in the following bulleted list:

* Unzip my coat and remove my hat and gloves without so much as a wobble. (I'm still struggling with the ever-popular Put-Gloves-In-Inner-Coat-Pocket-Without-So-Much-As-A-Wobble trick.)

* Look to the right or left for extended periods of time (3+ seconds) without running into anything.

* Not flinch when cars pass closely enough for me to touch them with my elbow.

Just think of where I'll be after another 11 months.

In the meantime, I'm missing my borrowed copy of Guitar for Dummies, which I returned to its rightful owner before leaving the States. It was my guide to the guitar world, and without it I am lost in the massive tangle of chords I haven't yet learned and the songs I can't quite play because of it.


Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Hopefully its rightful owner reads this and decides to send you some well deserved mail!

Congrats on the biking achievements! Just think at how bad you'll be at driving when you get back to the states!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the biking! It's fun coming back to the states to flaunt some mad biking skills. Even more fun, drunken bike riding. . . .