Friday, June 23, 2006


Today I wore my new boots to The Hague. It was cold when I woke up and I jumped on the opportunity, even though riding home in the super-crowded train was agony.

I sort of had to make myself go to this city, because for whatever reason I didn't feel like I'd like it. But I did, despite the fact that I never quite got my bearings.

I took in two museums (free admission, thanks to my 17-euro museumjaarkaart, which grants access to more than 400 museums in the Netherlands -- I've done three thus far, and it has already more than paid for itself) which were excellent. The first was the prison gate museum. The tour was in Dutch, but I was given a handy English leaflet. Besides, you don't really need language to understand torture instruments and jail cells. Very interesting place.

The second was the smallish Maurithuis, which is home to Vermeer's Girl With a Pearl Earring. Lovely.

Walking. Shopping. Eating cheap Indonesian food. The usual. I'm sleepy but still planning to head out with the group tonight.

I was a big hit in The Hague. I think it was the boots.

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Def the boots! Glad you had fun.

For me today was Hell. We have good days at work and then we have these miserable days where everything goes wrong, we fall behind schedule, and everyone yells at us. That was today. It was miserable for all of us involved, including the doctor who is usually unaffected!

Anyway tonight I'm heading out with the girls and they'll make it all better!

Here's to Friday Night! Love you! Miss you!