Thursday, August 03, 2006

A girl's best friend.

We were watching a cartoon in which someone said something in Dutch and presented another someone with a giant diamond ring. (It didn't seem to be a proposal. But we all know how my Dutch is. Anyway. Beside the point.)

Pete: Oooo, a diamond.

Amanda: Are you going to buy diamonds for me, Pete?

Pete: (thoughtful) How much those cost?

Amanda: Oh, quite a bit, schat.

Pete: More than five euros, you think? I have one of those papers, a five euros paper.

Amanda: (overwhelmingly touched) Yeah, quite a bit more than that, I think.

Pete: Oh. I can't buy that then for you.

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Too cute! Reminds me of the post where they told you to stay forever and then go home in the next breath!

The kid is showing his good side... watch because the bad side is soon to follow...