Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Maybe there's no right time.

I'm not sure when this happened. Not when, not how.

I've never been much of a shoe person. I liked bare-footedness. I refused to spend good money on shoes, preferring to buy dresses and accept footwear hand-me-downs.

Somewhere along the line, my feelings started to shift. I started really noticing shoes on other people and actually choosing to go into shoe stores. This started back in the States, maybe a year or so ago, but the situation has been growing here in arch-supported leaps.

Maybe it's because the shoes here are so much better than they are at home. All I know is that the shoe population in my room has more than doubled since I arrived. This is not a good thing to be happening in a Payless-less land.

I acquired my newest pair yesterday. I went into the store to admire another pair of shoes I've been eyeing (but holding off on buying) when these lovely brown heels caught my attention. They wanted to come home with me. So they did.

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

They were heels, I don't blame you. I have had the same pair of sneakers for the last three or four years. They are still nowhere close to being worn out. I own two pairs of work shoes... black and brown. Sandals and strappy heels are my weakness... therefore I avoid entering shoe stores or departments at all costs! I already have three "favorite" pairs of black heels and two of them I swear look identical!