Saturday, August 12, 2006

Waking up on the wrong side of the world.

I am in a ba-a-a-d mood.

I woke up like this. I'm not even working today, but I still didn't stand a chance. This is type-worthy because it's fairly unusual. I didn't even feel like running. I didn't even feel like buying shoes. I went to Den Bosch thinking I could distract myself with new pretty things, but I could not. Instead, I walked around for three hours, trying to figure out what the hell is wrong.

I miss having a gym. You wouldn't believe how much I miss having a gym. My knees are starting to hurt, undoubtedly thanks to six months of long runs on the pavement, runs that are getting boring, anyway.

The boys are off the wall. I can't even call myself an authority figure and keep a straight face.

I suddenly feel remarkably out of touch with the goings on in my homeland. I think this is hard to understand until you move this many thousands of miles away. I wouldn't have understood it.

I have a lot of downtime I enjoy but sometimes have trouble filling. I've read a lot of books, sure, but I also watched Dr. Phil the other day. What?

I'm restless. Is it time to change it up again? I haven't traveled in a month; maybe that's part of the problem here.

That said, I'm probably not leaving in January as originally planned. They want me here. I have no concrete reason to leave, only vague ideas of a new chapter, perhaps one that takes place in Asia. More time means more travel (I can't sit still thinking of Amanda, Jack, and Joel: From Bohemia to the Balkans, coming in December). Once this is over, it's over. I can continue to live in Europe or wherever, but my situation will never be the same. Maybe that's worth holding on to for a little bit longer.

But that doesn't mean I'm not reallllll grumpy today. Talk to me when it's over.

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

It took 8 months to get your first blog about homesickness. That's pretty remarkable. Everyone has days where they wake up in a bad mood. I'm sure it will pass, it seems to always do.

They don't have a gym there that you can join? Maybe you should buy one... bowflex or something! Goodluck with the bad mood... eat some ice cream, it always helps!

I'm also surprised that buying things didn't help...that's normally a really good cure!

Now, go take a nap! :) Naps are good for the soul!