Monday, September 04, 2006

Leaps, bounds, mourning.

Yesterday the boys and I spent a good 90 minutes talking about natural disasters. Pete really caught on to earthquakes. There was momentary confusion -- "The earth has plates?" -- but we got that cleared up. We were quiet and fine until we got to tornados. They, of course, got caught up in one and swirled around the house until I could get them interested in floods.

Kate said "banana" today. All three syllables. This is quite an upgrade from the previous word she used for banana, which was "na".

Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin died. Died! I'm somewhat distraught, as he was my favorite wildlife looney. Plus, he named his kids Bindi, after a crocodile, and Bob. Bindi and Bob. Bob. First Bindi. Then Bob. But really. It's a sad day for wildlife, the Discovery Channel, and me.

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

All I can say to that is Crikey! I also heard the sad news when I woke up this morning.

Congrats on successfully teaching geoscience and enunciation!