Monday, November 20, 2006

6-8 Black Men

Read the David Sedaris chapter of that title, and you'll have a pretty good idea about this Sinterklaas holiday.

On Saturday, Sinterklaas, who looks much like Santa Claus but certainly is not, arrived in Holland. He took the boat from Spain with his many Zwarte Piets (translation: Black Piet), where he and his helpers, the Zwarte Piets, live all year. This event was televised. Live.

But the journey wasn't without its troubles. First, Sinterklaas landed in the wrong port. Then Zwarte Piet lost the big book with all the names of the children in the Netherlands. Carl cried.

Every night around 5:30, from now until December 5, we get a 30-minute televised update on Sinterklaas and the missing book.

Sinterklaas will be visiting all the towns in the Netherlands between now and the actual holiday (often many towns at the same time!), talking to the kids and gathering wish lists. On Tuesday we're going to the castle in Helmond, where he is staying for the next couple of weeks.


Anonymous said...

What the hell are those people smoking over there?

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

That sounds like fun! But they better not lose the book with the American children's names in it... then I might cry too!