Sunday, November 12, 2006

Knockin' 'em down.

I made it to Antwerp on Friday. They have the Rubens museum there, so I was a happy, happy art-museum goer. Other than that, I didn't do much -- shopped, admired diamonds, had lunch. The waiter offered to show me around Antwerp that night. Generous of him, hmm?

Instead, I went back to Ruud's and we made dinner. We were going to go to the national park (they have wild boars there! wild boars!) on Saturday, but it was raining so we chickened out. Biking around the wilderness isn't so much fun when you're soaked. So we went to Breda and watched Borat.

I have to find a dress. Only two weeks until the formal event.


Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Wild boars make me think of the tv show lost.

As for finding your formal dress... weren't you just in a wedding? You should use that dress... but I'm betting it is in SD.

Goodluck. I love shopping for formalware. Have fun! Pictures galore!

Anonymous said...

Little drops of water, little grains of sand,
Make the mighty ocean, and the pleasant land:
So the little minutes, humble though they be,
Make the mighty ages of eternity.
Little deeds of kindness, little words of love,
Help to make earth happy, like Heaven up above. Julia Carney