Monday, November 27, 2006

Day 13 of the 25 Days of Amanda's Birthday

Day 13 is, of course, my actual birthday. It started at 7:30 am when Carl, Pete, and Kate pounded on my door bearing gifts. They sang to me in two languages. That's never happened before.

I was working all day, but Carien came back from her trip around 3:00 and I went off to get ready for the ball. I ended up just wearing the black dress I brought with me from home. I didn't think it would be formal enough, but it was better than buying a new one.

Ruud picked me up earlier than expected, but I was ready to go. We got on the bus with all the other ball-goers and traveled an hour and a half to the caves near Maastricht, where the event was held. We were there by 7:30, but dinner wasn't ready until almost nine.

By the way. There were a great many dresses more formal than mine, more "prom-like" which was what I expected -- but there were also a few like mine, and even so, I didn't feel out of place in the least. So, good news.

We ate, we drank wine, we sort of danced but there were a lot of people and not a lot of room. The band was nice -- I'm told they're one of the best cover bands in the Netherlands. Ruud's sister Lieke was with us, as well, and I met a lot of Ruud's friends. One of them was in New York a few weeks ago running the marathon. Another had spent a year in Minnesota -- his English was perfect.

We got home at 5:00 am. I'm still tired. I'm too old for this.


Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Age is just a figment of your imagination. It is also ok to consider yourself old the day after a late night and young on other days such as Christmas Morning. You are a woman afterall and we are allowed to change our minds on all things, including our age.

Welcome to the quarter century club!

Anonymous said...

A smooth sea never made a skillful
English proverb

Anonymous said...

A smooth sea never made a skillful
English proverb

Anonymous said...

A smooth sea never made a skillful
English proverb

Anonymous said...

sorry about the dublicating last message(x-3), I got my foot caught in my big mouth!

Anonymous said...

sorry about the dublicating last message(x-3), I got my foot caught in my big mouth!

Amanda and Brent said...

Whoa, back it up. Not yet. I'm only 24 this time. ;)

Anonymous said..., your that old! Better check into a nursing home before you hurt yourself.