Saturday, November 25, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving, belated.

We had a thanksgiving celebration here, though we had to do it a day early since Carien was leaving on a trip on Thursday. Carien's parents and sister were here, Megan came up from Maastricht, and Ruud came over after he got off work. Poor kid was pretty nervous, having never before celebrated thanksgiving. Do we give gifts? Do we sing? Do we have to talk about what we're thankful for? Nope. We just eat.

The highlight was that I made a pecan pie. I had never made one before, but it was awesome. My awesome pecan pie. It was super-dark, since we couldn't find corn syrup and I had to use a butterscotch syrup of similar consistency. I even nailed the crust. Perfection. Awesome.

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

First: Happy Birthday

Second: Good for you! Perfection in a pie! Be proud!

I had thanksgiving in my apartment and I nailed it too. Of course dad cooked the turkey (and I reheated it) and mom baked the pie and made gravy (those who don't eat, shouldn't make it... that's how I feel). But I made ham and all sorts of other stuff... good times with my Pittsburgh family!

Am off to bed! Goodnight and Happy Birthday!