Thursday, November 23, 2006

Sinterklaas! Sinterklaas! en natuurlijk Zwarte Piet!

On Tuesday afternoon, we took the kids out of school and journeyed to Helmond to visit Sinterklaas at the castle.

We waited in line for about an hour, during which many of the Zwarte Pieten entertained us with juggling, bicycling, dancing, jumping rope, climbing, etc.

We also admired Americo, the horse on which Sinterklaas rode into town.

Once inside, we were led through several rooms by the Zwarte Pieten. There was the bedroom where the Zwarte Pieten sleep. We woke one of them up, poor fellow. He was the housemaster, and he showed us all the keys he's responsible for.

He led us into the dining room where he chastised two of the Pieten for playing a game while they should have been working.

We were led into the kitchen, where three Zwarte Pieten were hard at work making pepernoten -- bite-sized gingerbread cookies.

We saw the classroom, where Professor Piet was teaching a class of unruly Piets -- one of whom got in such trouble he had to leave the room.

Then we saw the man himself. He talked to all the kids and gave them each a little bag of pepernoten and other candy.

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Looks like fun! :)