Wednesday, July 25, 2007

This small world.

Yes, I'm the only counselor here from South Dakota, but there is a camper from Sioux Falls.

There is also a woman here who is originally from the Netherlands, but she spent six years living in Rapid City before she moved to wherever she is now...I can't remember where that is.

But better than that. There are two women here from Australia. They were placed in the same room, and when the second one
walked in, she said, "Dani?" And Dani said, "Michelle?" Yep, they went to elementary school together, though Dani was three grades above Michelle. They had lost touch with each other by high school and now, some 15 years later, had no idea they were both going to the same camp for the summer.

And the latest, I got a new girl in this week, also from Australia though she has been living in California for the last couple of years. She sat down at the table and another counselor introduced her to her fellow Australians. Dani said, "You went to (such and such a college, I can't remember), didn't you? I remember your face."

So, the Australians are feeling very much at home. And so am I, for that matter. This job is FANTASTIC.


Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Sounds like it. I love when you are half way around the world and find people you know or are from the same city!

Remember in Rome I met a guy that worked a few blocks from me! It is a small world indeed... and we've got so much of it left to see!

Anonymous said...

I'am coming to visit, so I went down to Century 21 to list my cardboard box under the bridge for sell. I told the lady it was the delux model and that I would like at least 50 dollars for it. After all I had wrapped it in aluminum foil to keep the aliens from finding me. She went in the back room and then the police showed up.

They asked me a lot of stupid who the president was and what year it was and what town was I in...crazy stuff.

I told the realtor that I felt sorry for those poor guys as they seemed to be lost. And maybe they should give those guys more training.

I then went back to Custer State park and my cardboard box and starting drinking yoga...It was a terrible mistake. I walked out on a hill and did the tree pose for three hours and a large heard of buffalo came up around me and paid no attention to me. Then this huge
bull came over and looked me straight in the eye for a long time. I did't have my sun-glasses on and I blinked. He gored me and sent me up into the air so high that I could have been arrested for flying without a license. When I hit he ground and bounced several times, some of his friends came over and gored me a few times more.
They say it is a good ideal to 'play dead' when something like this is going on...

Only problem with that is the bulls don't know that this is only a 'game.'

A few tourist came over and dragged me into a van and then they
flew me in a plane to Rapid City hospital to the ICU unit. They asked me who the president was and what day of the week it was and what town I was in...I suppose they are related to the police officers in Hot Springs and these poor doctors need more training.

One of the doctors told me I had more fractures than the San Andreas Fault( I not sure what that is but I hope I don't catch it while I'm here in the hospial).

Social worker told me that it would be best for me to move back to Hot Springs and live in the nursing home. She asked me to spell 'Bingo' and I got all shook up and could not spell it right.

She told me I was not fit for the nursing home and that I needed a higher level of care. So I got mad and tore all that life support stuff they had me hooked up to and left...I went back to my cardboard box under the bridge in Custer State park. I feel safe here. I know the aliens won't find me here.

Starting next week I am going to AA meetings and I hope this will help me stop drinking yoga.

Say is't Richard Nixon still our president?