Sunday, June 03, 2012

The farther you go, the smaller it gets.

Some years ago, when I was living in the Netherlands, I connected with another ex-pat nanny.  We never managed to meet in person, as she lived far enough away that neither of us made the effort to work around our busy schedules to arrange a meeting, but we emailed numerous times even after we both left the country.  After awhile, though, Kara and I more or less fell out of touch. 

Last weekend, I was going waaaay back through my email inbox, curious as to what I might find, and making an effort to reach out to friends I hadn't heard from in awhile.  I came across my last email from Kara (from like 2009) and thought, wow, I wonder what she's up to.

I sent her an email, asking after her well-being and telling her that I'd moved to Buenos Aires in August.

She emailed back the next day, saying that she had to read my email twice -- not because it had been so long since we had last talked, but because she had also moved to Buenos Aires.  In August.

She lives four subway stops away from me, and this time, we are planning to meet.

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