Saturday, June 09, 2012

Stuck but poised to spring.

Argentina is a challenge, which we do a pretty good job with until recently when we realized that this country has probably stolen the July trip to the States we had been planning on.

When Brent moved the office last month, he lost quite a few clients who don't want to travel to the new location. Every time the government passes a frightening new law, which happens about every week, the people cling to their money and cancel their appointments. When the weather is cold or rainy, people stay inside and cancel their appointments. It's not a good time to be leaving for two weeks.

We're at a point where we're unsure whether we need to put our heads down and plow through this challenging time, or if we need to start considering other options.  Yes, we did just sign a two-year lease, but we're listening when an Argentine says, "You should probably move out of this country" -- and more than one has told us that.  Things change every day, but when you take a look at Argentina's history, the big crises involved changes that happened overnight: the people woke up to discover themselves screwed.  We really don't want to be here when that happens.

But we've put a lot of time and money and energy into Argentina. We don't want to give up without a fight. So every day we do the best we can do, but our eyes are open and looking around.

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