Wednesday, July 25, 2007

This small world.

Yes, I'm the only counselor here from South Dakota, but there is a camper from Sioux Falls.

There is also a woman here who is originally from the Netherlands, but she spent six years living in Rapid City before she moved to wherever she is now...I can't remember where that is.

But better than that. There are two women here from Australia. They were placed in the same room, and when the second one
walked in, she said, "Dani?" And Dani said, "Michelle?" Yep, they went to elementary school together, though Dani was three grades above Michelle. They had lost touch with each other by high school and now, some 15 years later, had no idea they were both going to the same camp for the summer.

And the latest, I got a new girl in this week, also from Australia though she has been living in California for the last couple of years. She sat down at the table and another counselor introduced her to her fellow Australians. Dani said, "You went to (such and such a college, I can't remember), didn't you? I remember your face."

So, the Australians are feeling very much at home. And so am I, for that matter. This job is FANTASTIC.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

A Day at the Races

You know I'm not much of a gambling kinda girl. At least not with money. My life, sometimes. But those are different stories.

But yesterday I went to the racetrack with Uncle Omar and had a blast. I was looking forward to it from the get-go, thinking it was something I've never done and it would be a nice, new, probably one-time experience. But I would go again. And again And the fact that I came out of it $0.20 ahead of the game? Well, that's just a bonus.

We also went to the baseball game, where the Phillies wiped the field with the Padres -- and we left before it was over.

Big week coming up. Yoga on the beach on Tuesday, more tennis on Wednesday, on duty in the office Thursday AND Friday -- and my dear friend Ryan coming for a visit on Saturday, followed by a trip to Santa Monica on Sunday to see Aunt Dolores. More on all of that after the fact.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Even the backhand.

Last night I attended the Nike tennis clinic, where I actually learned how to swing a racket. (Which, I've just learned, can be spelled that way, as well as "racquet," which is how I would normally spell it.) I ended up losing the championship round, even though by that time my partner had left and I had joined up with the professional, Herman, a delightful (read: gorgeous) young man from somewhere in Africa.

But it doesn't matter. I'm finally on my tennis way. People with rackets, watch out, because if you play with me, you're probably still going to end up chasing the ball for a while.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Breathing space.

Last night, my director took me and two other yoga instructors to her yoga class on the beach in Coronado.

I don't know where to start.

This was....phenomenal. Melissa, the instructor, was an outstanding teacher, possibly the best I've ever had. There were about 10 of us, men and women, holding poses on beach towels, staring out into the ocean. As we completed our dolphin pose, the real dolphins started hopping in and out of the water, quite close to the shore.

Halfway through the class, as the clouds rolled in, we took the practice into the water and held our tree poses as the waves crashed against our knees.

There are definite challenges to yoga on the sand. Balancing goes to a whole new level. I probably wouldn't recommend it for beginners. Luckily I was wearing sunglasses, or I would have ended up kicking all kinds of sand into my eyes. It's also a little hard on the wrists, as the heel of your hand tends to sink into the sand.

But that's all minor. The class lasted an hour and a half, but I had no sense of the time. It was over before I knew it; all I could think was that I wished she would keep teaching well into the night.

Amazing. I was overwhelmed. Yoga on the beach is certainly among the top ten experiences of my life.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Happy Holiday

I had a delightful Sunday off in which Aunt Cathy picked me up, drove me to her home, and we decided to go Bodies: The Exhibition, which is actually at the mall three miles from where I live. So we drove back and did it.

Amazing. Truly fascinating. If you don't know what Bodies: The Exhibition is, it's actual human remains carefully preserved. There are entire bodies. There are parts of bodies. There are displays that focus on the muscles, others that focus on bones. There are diseased organs and healthy organs. It's amazing. If it next travels to a city near you, don't miss it.

We also stopped by the beach to see the seals. I got splashed when a big wave hit the rocks, so I spent half the morning wet and smelling like seal water.

I had yesterday off, as well. The group went on a field trip to Sea World, and I would have gone, too, except

A) it was my day off and I felt I should do something very much mine.
B) I figured the park would be wildly crowded on July 4.
C) I was still drying out after Sunday's visit with the seals.

So I went shopping with my roommate and bought $15 jeans and a new skirt. Days like that are nice.